Here are prints of of just a few of Colorado's thousands of wildflowers.
Some of the prints are in full color, just as you would expect to see them in the woods. Others are actually color negatives, printed in colors that are complementary to the full color prints. ( red becomes green, blue becomes yellow). These can also be called “color inversions”.
Others are printed in plain old black and white (b&w). Still others are printed as b&w negatives, or in shades of black and white which are complementary to the original prints. These can also be called “b&w inversions”.
A final category would prints whose colors have been totally altered to create a more dramatic effect.
What you'll notice is that each of these techniques produces a print which seems to highlight different aspects of the flower. From stigma to anthers to pedal texture to the collection of pedals called corolla.... to the delicate dance between dark and light, each are seen differently in color, b&w, or as inversions.
That contrast between images and their colors is what creates the dramatic effect you see here on the wall. Hope you enjoy.
Mike Znerold
Exhibition Location: Farm Bistro
October 9, 2015